The Price of Naturopathic Education

...less than a 50% chance that the results of any randomly chosen scientific paper are true. Quote: Most scientific research unreliable or completely fraudulent says ex editor of Lancet. Scientific peer review useless..... Quote: Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime Editor in Chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ)[sic],which is considered to another one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals in the world, makes her view of the...

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Naturopathic medicine is cowpie

Naturopathic medicine is cow pie

...know the unwanted effects of overdosed homeopathy: Everyone had a good laugh. So, how do I poison myself with 100C homeopathic product? Jakub Zawiła-Niedźwiecki Yeah we all know the unwanted effects of overdosed homeopathy: Everyone had a good laugh. So, how do I poison myself with 100C homeopathic product? Tevna Tayler I am not sure why you keep making the same argument over and over again. Just like with most things, there is...

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In-office sales is an ethical problem for naturopathic medicine salve Ron Roy David Here is a summary article that even someone as simple minded as you can understand David Sorry Ron. Wrong link. Not that you plan to read it anyways David Waiting waiting. For quote from conclusion of flarend paper. Very easy just to copy and paste the conclusion Ron Roy. Problem is that you probably have never read anything except conspiracy sites or perhaps an abstract Thomas Mohr David,...

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Naturopath lets her kids suffer with Whooping cough, child abuse?

...Taylor For example: Lala Freedom! /sarcasm But that's the long and short of it--personal freedom. Thomas Mohr These videos clearly show that these "Doctors" don't have a clue how real medicine works. They believe that they treat diseases based on reasons of diseases and help the body to heal itself whereas real medicine only treats only symptoms. This is complete bullshit. Treating symptoms is done if the symptoms pose an large...

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Naturopathic medicine has too much quackery

...a headache a week later see a REAL doctor,this is the mistake that JOBS admits to making, joe You crack me up. Ron Roy Nice try. All these people died 20 or more years after they were cured and Rife even told them if they kept living / eating like they did before their cancer would come back because it was their lifestyle that cause it to begin with. The truth about Rife: Ron Roy...

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The Penitent Naturopath

...One example is homeopathy, which is regarded by the scientific community to be an unethical deception without any efficacy beyond placebo: cam Homeopathy is not naturopathy... its homeopathy. Answering that not only invalidates your point as they are completely different and unrelated it just shows you have no idea what a naturopath actually is or does and further invalidates this whole debarkle of a post. I also completely agree, it has...

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Naturopaths need to back off autism

...have suffered, but maybe you should talk to someone about these violent revenge fantasies. They're disturbing. upandrunning You can take a 23andme test and then enter your data in or for cheaper solutions. This is the best company I've seen for testing for mitochondrial issues upandrunning Not all of them used mice. Human patients were used on most of what I posted. Animal testing is also more accurate in some cases because...

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What’s the point of acupuncture? A TCM practitioner wants out

...taking about 2nd and 3rd year. Maybe a communication error. 2nd year my diagnostics, pathology, and pharmacology coursework was taught by MD/PHD, while complementary approaches and phlebotomy skills (herbs, nutrition, lifestyle, etc) were taught by NDs. Imaging is taught by a DO. Here is my immunology professor (I studied first year at NCNM) professor Pathology: Neurology: Cardiology (co-professor) Family practice: Robert Anderson, MD Obviously there will be more MDs at...

(Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in tags, 31 in comments. Score: 40.52) Dispelling the Spin of Natural Medicine

...Thanks for agreeing!!!!! This is 7 of hundreds for ONE vitamin....Shall I go on???? transportjohnny This is 7...... of hundreds....... for ONE vitamin....Shall I go on???? David Wright Was that so hard? transportjohnny Yep. transportjohnny No it wasn't actually..... Don't you find it strange that "natural medicine" with it's push for vitamins and minerals is considered "alternative"???? Yet, much of the...

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Accredited Naturopathic Education: Official Reading List

...she is talking to UCLA pre-health students about Naturopathic Medicine: there are so many videos on the delusion that is naturopathic medicine - a good source is Larry Cooke: Absolutely scary.... Cruz It's hard to expect that ND students will 'sound an alarm' when they believe their 'medical' education is in 'many ways' superior to that of an MD or DO. NH Primary Care Doc Wow. That pediatric reading list...

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