One week ago, Australian Skeptics Inc. (ASI) launched an international fundraising campaign to raise money for my legal defense. I am being sued in Germany by American naturopath Colleen Huber for defamation over my opinions about her alternative treatments for cancer and so-called research studies. For more information, please read this post.
Our fundraising goal is at least €50,000
More than €44,000 (A$70,000) in donations have come in from around the world. We are very close to reaching our target of €50,000 (A$80k), which is likely the amount needed to cover my legal expenses. Please consider donating.
I am overwhelmed by the generous outpouring of support. I am not the only one. “The speed and extent of the response by donors has been truly amazing,” said Eran Segev, President of ASI. “We’ve received donations ranging from one dollar to more than two thousand from over 1750 donors. And they’re still coming in.”
Why surpassing the €50k goal matters
Lawsuits can be unpredictable and the final amount needed to cover legal expenses incurred may be more than €50k. We want to be prepared for unforeseen costs.
Funds not needed to cover my legal expenses will either be donated to Sense About Science or be parlayed into a generalized skeptics legal defense fund. This will be overseen by the fundraising advisory committee. Please visit the donation page for more information.
I will continue to update readers and donors on the progress of the campaign on a regular basis.
Thank you
Leaving naturopathy was the best career decision I ever made. I decided to speak out against quackery after realizing that good people were being mislead by naturopaths. Speaking out was terrifying, but you all helped me find the strength to make that possible. Now, the science and skeptic community is helping me stand against this SLAPP and defend free speech.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
It has been over a year with no updates. One day I was unable to access your website and wondered if you’d been forced to take it down. Happily it’s back. I know the legal system moves slowly but it’s such a shame if the lawsuit silences you, even if only temporarily. I miss your articles and hope to see new posts again when you are able. Congratulations on the new baby, and I hope you both are doing well.