Naturopathic Medicine in Washington D.C.

Page last updated 12 February 2017.

Action alert


Media Coverage

Fact-checking naturopathic talking points at DC FLI. Naturopathic Diaries. 2016. Britt Hermes.

Scope of practice

Must disclose in writing to patients that naturopathic practitioners are not licensed to practice medicine.

Title: May use the titles “doctor,” “physician,” and “doctor of naturopathic medicine”

Prescription drugs: The law specifies that the prescription of controlled substances are prohibited but makes no mention of whether legend drugs may be prescribed. The DC formulary lists a small number of antimicrobial drugs and hormones.

Controlled substances: Not permitted

IV administration: The law specifies that naturopaths may use “natural medicines by their appropriate route of administration” but does not specifically define whether IV administration is permitted. IV route of administration is not defined in the formulary (above).

Diagnostic tests: Permitted

Minor office procedures: Permitted

Spinal manipulations: Permitted

Childbirth/ midwifery: Permitted after passing a special examination in obstetrics or natural childbirth that has been approved by the Advisory Committee on Naturopathic Medicine, the Board of Medicine, or the Mayor

Vaccine waiver: Not defined

Naturopathic assistants: Not defined

DC Municipal Regulations for Naturopathic Medicine (2012)

Continuing education requirements

Naturopaths are required to complete 30 hours of continuing education biennially.


In 2004, Washington D.C. passed the Naturopathic Medicine Licensing Amendment Act. Prior to this act, the district registered naturopaths.

How to file a complaint

Naturopaths in the district are regulated by the DC Board of Medicine. Anyone can file a complaint. The DC Department of Health website provides additional information about the complaint process.

Download complaint form

Send complete form to

DC Board of Medicine
899 North Capitol Street, NE
Second Floor
Washington, DC 20002

To file a complaint about the unlicensed practice of medicine, send complaint to

Supervisory Investigator
899 North Capitol Street, NE
Second Floor
Washington, DC 20002
