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Naturopathic Scope of Practice Expansion Killed in North Dakota children from those who spout pseudo-scientific claptrap. Detroit Lakes. What about Perham? Glen MacDonald Here's a satirical take on homeopathy from the perspective of Canada; specifically, Ontario. Cheers, Glen Travis This is actually hilarious. I find it difficult to stomach the idea that even after being called out int he previous article for faking multiple personas, that someone would then be so dishonest as to pretend to be someone else of the other...

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Implications of Low Admission Standards in Naturopathic Education

...that it is not a perfect predictor does not invalidate their use. Nevertheless, I would concede that the best comparator would be an exam after graduation common to all doctors from different universities.... but until there is one, acceptance % can be used as another valid measure to compare NDs and MD programs. JGC Citations needed, John John O'Malley See my comment above as to why acceptance rate % is completely useless. Do the math....

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Even when children die, naturopaths refuse to blame each other

...wanted botox, without telling them what he was injecting: I plan to report on this soon. Thomas Mohr Britt, phenol actually was be used as a neurolytic very similar to Botox (see for instance here:, Introduction) although it is outdated so this case is just a case of common fraud. Thomas Mohr There is a very good assay on the topic, available here: Just to quote a few key passages: "The standard...

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Naturopathic “doctors” in California

...records, and naturopathy has no such board certification.) Naturopathic Wellness Center Los Angeles, CA Most questionable advertised treatments: Nutrient Infusions and Injection Therapies- IV and nutritional shots Vitamin infusions via IV (intravenous) or IM (intramuscular) shows to be beneficial for a wide variety of common conditions and ailments. Infusions allow us to administer high, concentrated doses of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other agents to assist with various types of treatments. By bypassing digestion,...

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Should I go to naturopathic school? “direct patient contact” at Bastyr University. This number is far less than the 1,224.5 hours advertised by Bastyr University and other naturopathic schools. The 561 training hours really seem dismal, though, when compared to the number of training hours in patient care completed by students in conventional medical school and throughout their mandated residency programs. Naturopaths are not required to complete residency training in order to practice medicine (except in Utah where a one-year...

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Stop naturopathic pediatrics: autism and MTHFR?

...clinical symptoms in combination with working drugs and not after some genetic testing that detects a SNP that may have an influence in gene function - or not. Britt Hermes According to UptoDate ( Thomas Mohr What I am wondering is why NBC gives time to such an idiot. A clear fail of the editorial staff. One should clarify to the mass media that ND means Not a Doctor. NS Alito However, the difference...

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Ezekiel Stephan died after being treated by a naturopathic doctor

A toddler dies from meningitis, governments need to block naturopathic pediatrics

...when it comes to establishing biological activity, pharmacologists do the heavy lifting. David If you want to get really angry, listen to the grandfather in the video in this article try to blame the medical system and thr ambulance drivers. Marcel The article claims that the grandfather's company won a case against the government of Canada to sell a largely vitamin-based formula, but the facts tell a different story: David Grant Thanks Britt....

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The Morality of Practicing Medicine and the Licensed Naturopath

Bec I get extremely frustrated by supporters of SCAM who assert that doctors solely rely on over-medicating patients or resorting to surgery when more conservative measures may work better - which is patently not the case. In Australia, there has been a significant shift by the medical community to being *more* conservative in their management of complex cases: of recommending *fewer* prescriptions, *fewer* diagnostic screenings and *fewer* surgical interventions. These are good things: they ensure...

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My first QED, and Naturopathic Diaries wins an Ockham Award

...then out of being a naturopathic “doctor.” (I hope to be able to link to a video of it in the future.) Here are some reactions and live tweets from the audience: Thank you, everyone! It felt so great to have such positive feedback. Later that evening, I was touched to be given an Ockham Award for Best Blog, hosted by The Skeptic magazine. Thank you to Caroline...

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