The petition that riled naturopathic medicine

...Hey, have you heard of "Naturopaths Without Borders"? ( Domestically, in North America, that is... 'Physician-level intervention without physician-level rules and penalties for breaking those rules', and 'science as anything': literally, naturopaths without borders. Glad I just wrote this comment, just got an idea for the latest script! -r.c. Marcel "To commit libel, one must publish statements that are false, damaging, not supported by adequate research, and done so with the intent to cause harm."...

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colleen huber cancer quack

Is dubious cancer “doctor” Colleen Huber cybersquatting my name? as a science communicator and debunker of pseudoscience. It serves to supplant a website that was established in bad faith at a domain using my name. In February 2016, I discovered that was registered and a “tribute” website was put up, allegedly, in my honor. Google ads are publicizing this site. I then found out that the domains and were also purchased, which were setup to redirect to the homepage of...

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Canadian physicians criticize naturopaths in wake of Ezekiel Stephan’s death

...questions from more knowledgeable students and still promote naturopathy? Marcel Here's a link to the FDA for you to start from: The best thing to do is to contact your local FDA office and go from there. In the past, I found the people at the Seattle office to be extremely helpful. Marcel Both medical and so-called "natural" web sites are rife with errors and misinformation on medicinal plants and various dietary supplements. tgobbi...

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NUHS: an unlawful but accredited naturopathic program?

...isn't a reason for them to complete rotations to see if they'd like to specialize in another field. If they do want to specialize in another field such as women's health, they then complete a women health residency after completing their primary care clerkship. The clerkship system is done in multiple medical fields such as dentistry, nursing, chiropractic, pediatrics, physical therapy, also of which are not required to complete residencies, but Britt doesn't seem to...

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The “pH Miracle Diet” naturopath is guilty, but California still has a problem

...of Medicine find that complementary and alternative medicine is popular. This is one of the most common types of arguments used by advocates of complementary and alternative medicine. This line of reasoning is no different than saying that “treatment X is good because everyone does it,” also known as an appeal to popularity. Section 1b gets even uglier. The law states that complementary and alternative health care practitioners have a proven track record of not...

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Colleen Huber naturopathic cancer quack

Is Colleen Huber a cancer quack? And more legal thuggery “has not paid attention to her research,” and how patients appear to be very much so misinformed. I love the line around 8:49 where she says the body has a “congenital need for nutrients and good food,” but then I am horrified that she suggests cancer patients don’t need conventional medicines. *My German lawyer suggested I shouldn’t leave the reader hanging and should comment on his and my opinion. **Some commenters online may...

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An Inside Look at My Education and Clinical Training

...this was the case after a few acquaintances went to Bastyr, but never realized their course of training was so devoid of substance. mdSeuss Thank you very much for creating this blog and sharing your insider experiences with a critical thinking head on your shoulders. Bravo! I would suggest, however, that you disable comments here completely. Nothing good will come from allowing folks to comment here. Let the comments happen over at where there...

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Finding Cancer as a Young Naturopathic Doctor

...applaud your judgement, reasoning, rationale, and ethics you have come across in your former career. I wish you all the best in your studies and new career! To all the opponents of conventional medicine and naturopaths, here is common sense knowledge: TREAT THE SYMPTOMS AND STABILIZE THE CHILD FIRST. Do not delay initial treatment. david Ian: This is where your ignorance of what most MDs do come into play. Unlike naturopaths, most MD do not...

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CTCA: The Cancer Treatment Charade of America? Profiting on Alternative Medicine think my work looks like that of a PR firm. I work hard to select nice images and write entertaining posts. Thank you for the compliment. The public opinion matters. The public voices opinions on medical matters all the time. Take SB 277 in CA, as an obvious example. My work to educate and influence seems to be working. Examples: My early posts explain why I left the profession of naturopathy and...

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ND Confession, Part 1: Naturopathic clinical training inside and out

...clinical competencies for the naturopathic counseling and the physical medicine rotations. The counseling competencies were mostly subjective, such as “student can establish a therapeutic relationship with the patient” or the student can “articulate the therapeutic process.” The physical medicine competencies included demonstrating orthopedic exams and knowledge about physical medicine treatments including: hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, manual therapies, and chiropractic adjustments. It is notable that there were no competency requirements for IV therapies, pharmacology, or minor surgery, and...

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