On Notice

...usual spouting of BS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEE2270DB4377E121 Listen to how NDs are just so much better than 'conventional' medicine!!! Nutritionprof I, too, came to your blog by SBM. I look forward to more of your posts. I teach nutrition as well as a class called Human Health and Disease at the college level. At the end of the semester I have two classes on "a skeptics guide to complementary and alternative medicine." My information has come from...

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I was suffering from postpartum depression: My licensed naturopath recommended beer and marijuana to help me sleep

...with low levels of THC, and high levels of other compounds that cater to such mental health issues as PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Check out pubmed on the subject. I am unsure of the beer prescription. I can understand its use for helping someone relax and fall asleep. It sounds like common knowledge that alcohol and breastfeeding don't mix but after researching apparently they do. According the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs alcohol...

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Be the Change

...a few weeks of mulling over the meaning of compassion, I have come to understand something very important. Ad hominem attacks result from a lack of compassion. Are we intolerant? Science communicators are starting to write more about the need for compassion when trying to understand another perspective. Some writers, such as Julie Rehmeyer from Sense About Science, believe that all people speaking out against alternative medicine need to be particularly sensitive to the experiences...

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Food as medicine?

...the recommendations without complaint–I wanted to be a good naturopathic patient! At my follow-up appointment weeks later, the ND noted I had lost a few pounds. I remember her exuberant compliments about following the restrictions so well that I had lost weight. I remember standing on the scale and feeling like I was doing a good job! To this day, her comment about my weight sticks with me. I was not heavy, and I was...

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A naturopath-midwife, homeopathy, and a dead newborn

...light in an sea of darkness, others in the naturopathic community display a terrible blind spot when it comes to the harm homeopathy can cause: https://twitter.com/jonathanmason/status/592297133727973376 I do not think the naturopathic profession is redeemable unless it immediately owns up to its mistakes. But a skeptical ND who remains an employee of Bastyr University has limits, as even he believes that naturopathy can do good and has a place in the medical system. https://twitter.com/drbrignall/status/792433169265852416 His...

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Response to Matthew Baral’s Perspective on the Measles Outbreak

Response to Matthew Baral on writing about the measles vaccine: http://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/2015/02/09/vaccines-measles-facts/23142469/ http://drmatthewbaral.com/archives/1699 Matthew Baral’s recent blog post and corresponding opinion piece in the Arizona Republic highlights a trendy and inappropriate naturopathic stance on vaccinations. He claims that because he has 15 years of experience practicing as a naturopath seeing numerous patients with autism spectrum disorder he can assert objectivity and scientific acumen. He maintains that a cautious approach to the CDC recommended vaccination schedule is...

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Naturopath Colleen Huber loses her defamation suit against Britt Hermes

Justice prevails! Cancer quack Colleen Huber loses her defamation suit against me

...February 2016, when I discovered that brittmariehermes.com and about half a dozen domains using versions of my name had been anonymously registered. Some of these domains forwarded to the websites of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges. I called Wix.com, the company hosting brittmariehermes.com, and asked for the email address associated with the account. Surprisingly, a representative gave me an email address at natonco.org, the website for...

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Fact-checking naturopathic talking points at DCFLI

...promotion No required residency For comparison, by the time an actual primary care physician finishes residency training, he or she has completed about 20,000 clinical training hours and seen tens of thousands of patients. “Naturopathic physicians have attended 4 year accredited medical schools.” Liar, liar, pants on fire! Naturopathic programs are accredited by the Council for Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME). This agency operates independently from the Liaison Committee for Medical Education (LCME), which accredits medical...

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A question off the naturopathic licensing exam (NPLEX)

...more fucked up courses of action... such is turning a blind eye. Science Mom It's a bit more complicated than that: https://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/are-medical-errors-really-the-third-most-common-cause-of-death-in-the-u-s/ It's also a To Quoque. Errors in medicine don't validate the dangerous and unproven treatments of naturopathy. Marcel "We don't just treat symptoms! We treat the patient." Homeopathy is entirely based on 'symptoms', as it was from the beginning. Speaking of dissonance and seeing what is done in India (to paraphrase an Indian...

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The Angry Chef: taking on the pseudoscience of food

...take in a load of foodstuffs combined with a single gas from the air and generate energy and other compounds that form our tissues. We have very complex systems that regulate these processes. More or less, scientists have a grip on these inputs and outputs–it takes the chemicals that constitute food, breaks them down, makes new chemicals, and uses these to sustain life. Oddly enough, this is why a vegan is still composed of meat!...

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