naturopathic pills

Patients of Naturopathic Medicine

...more information about the FABNO designation, naturopathic training in oncology, and common complementary and alternative cancer therapies, please read Naturopathic Cancer Care – Is it safe, and does it work? The CAM-Cancer and American Cancer Society websites also contain high-quality information about using alternative therapies to treat cancer. More Information Naturopathic Diaries houses a collection of stories by patients, naturopaths, and medical providers. Browse the collection here. Additional Resources Bibliography on naturopathic medicine at

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naturopathic medicine

Reporting on Naturopathic Medicine

...and misreported by the media. Naturopathic training is often described as being on-par with that of medical school. This is not true. Naturopathic courses often have the same course titles as medical school courses, but the content comprises of alternative health information, not medical science. Naturopaths attend four-year post-graduate naturopathic programs. These programs are accredited by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME), which is predominately composed of naturopaths. The CNME does not participate in...

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Naturopahtic hormone treatment

Endocrinology vs. Naturopathy—Steel Cage Death Match

Britt’s Note: Many naturopathic doctors market themselves as hormone specialists. They think they are capable of evaluating and treating virtually any symptom that may involve the endocrine system. When it comes to hormone-related conditions, NDs are not just supplement pushers, they are also pushers of useless tests. This post comes to you from a board-certified endocrinologist who offers his insights from many years of experience treating patients. He provides invaluable advice for those wondering if...

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An ex-naturopath is a successful naturopath

...fundamental to the scientific process, which I only learned after leaving naturopathy and engaging with the academic community. Naturopaths want to be recognized as primary care physicians in the U.S. and Canada. This is a big deal. We all should be skeptical. This profession is claiming to have established a comprehensive education that trains competent medical practitioners, yet they rely upon unproven methods at best and debunked ones at worst. Essentially, naturopaths want to be...

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naturopathic medicine new york

New York state of mind and naturopathic nonsense

...with supplement companies that will donate a percentage of their sales to the association. It has also set-up a Go-Fund-Me account and is asking patients and naturopathy fans to raise $45,000 to help them “get the right education to key legislators and influencers to move through this [licensing] impasse.” Naturopaths are counting on momentum from the recent signing of a licensing bill into law in Massachusetts to boost a similar bill in New York.

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colleen huber

I need your help: naturopath Colleen Huber is suing me

...statements are defamatory (underlined sections are at issue): 1. “In addition to what appears to be a terrible failure in conducting ethical research because it was/is run out of her clinic and tied her non-profit, Huber completely bungled her analysis. Thomas Mohr, an oncology researcher at the Medical University of Vienna, reanalyzed Huber’s data in her sugar study and commented on my blog in February 2016: Putting aside the ethical issues of the extremely bad...

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A psoriasis story stress. I basically began to live a healthier lifestyle. I saw the progression of my mom’s disease as a possible outcome for myself, and I was scared and motivated. I found obscure natural healing books using the card catalog. Yes, this was before our library had the internet or computers. I followed the advice I found and got comfort in using alternatives to how my dermatologist wanted to treat me. Looking back at my...

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Please email me at naturopathicdiaries[at] I welcome all correspondences, but please try to be concise. I receive many emails from naturopathic students and practitioners asking for advice or seeking answers to questions on topics about which I have already written. I cannot respond to all emails. I cannot, and will not, provide medical advice. Readers are encouraged to consult their physicians (MD or DO) regarding specific health problems. I am happy to aid political efforts...

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Media Coverage

...8, 2015 CBC Radio One – On the Coast with Stephen Quinn (interview) September 2, 2015 Vox – Why one naturopath quit after watching her peers treat cancer patients by Julia Belluz May 15, 2015 The Prism Podcast – Episode 45, with Jason Luchtefeld and Grant Ritchey (interview) March 21, 2015 Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe – Podcast #506 (on my writing for Interested in a story about naturopaths? Please contact me at naturopathicdiaries[at]

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I am happy to publish guest blog posts discussing naturopathic medicine. If you are a former or current naturopath, health care practitioner who has encountered naturopathic practice, or a patient of a naturopath, please consider sharing your experiences. More voices need to be heard. Contact me at naturopathicdiaries[@] Submissions should shed light on the issues of naturopathy or alternative medicine, which are clearly written expressing sound critical thinking. You can publish anonymously, but I need...

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