If you are a patient of any naturopathic practitioner, please refer to the following information sheets (under development) on the testing, conditions, and treatments you might encounter. Some of these are links to other sites which have summarized the issues nicely, while others are based on my education at Bastyr University to earn my ND degree and experience in private practice.
Diagnostics and Lab Tests
- Genetic testing
- Food allergies
- Heavy metals
- Neurotransmitters
- Salivary cortisol
- Comprehensive stool analysis
- Applied kinesiology / NAET
- Hair mineral analysis
- Basal body temperature
- Thyroid / hormones
- Vitamins
- Oxidative stress analysis
- Chemical exposures (phthalates / parabens)
- Porphyrins urine analysis
- Kryptopyrrole testing
- Intestinal permeability
- RBC element analysis
- Parasites
- Live Blood Analysis
- Anything else that seems odd to test, especially from an off-beat lab
- Chronic mononucleosis
- Chronic Lyme disease
- Chronic pancreatitis
- Multiple chemical sensitivity
- Candiasis (yeast or candida overgrowth)
- Leaky gut
- Food intolerance or allergies based on IgG testing
- Folate metabolism disorders (including MTHFR deficiency)
- Heavy metal toxicity
- Adrenal fatigue
- Thyroid conditions (including Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome)
- Anything else that sounds like a made-up explanation for your symptoms
- Cancer treatments
- Homeopathy
- Acupuncture
- Guest post by an acupuncturist
- Biopuncture
- IV Therapy / Meyer’s Cocktail / Vitamin C / Glutathione / Magnesium
- Supplements
- Herbal preparations
- Ultraviolet blood irradiation
- Detoxification
- hCG diet
- Bio-identical hormones
- Chelation
- Ozone therapy (inhaled, intravenous, or rectal)
- Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) injections
- Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
- Colon hydrotherapy / enemas
- Cold laser / Low-level laser
- Cranio-sacral manipulations
- Chiropractic manipulations
- Hydrotherapy / salt baths / wet socks
- Anything else you are hesitant to do to your body
Cancer and Oncology
Please put yourself in the care of a medical doctor (MD) or doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) who is also board certified by at least one medical specialty board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties, American Osteopathic Association, or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Canada). (For patients in North America.)
Please be highly suspicious of any naturopath claiming to be a cancer expert or specialist. There are some naturopaths who use the abbreviation FABNO after their names to indicate they are a Fellow of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology. This naturopathic board is not a recognized specialty board by the American Board of Medical Specialities or any legitimate medical organization. A naturopath who is a FABNO is not trained in medical oncology and can cause serious harm.
For more information about the FABNO designation, naturopathic training in oncology, and common complementary and alternative cancer therapies, please read Naturopathic Cancer Care – Is it safe, and does it work?
The CAM-Cancer and American Cancer Society websites also contain high-quality information about using CAM for cancer.
More Information
Naturopathic Diaries houses a collection of stories by patients, naturopaths, and medical providers. Browse the collection here.
Additional Resources
- Bibliography on naturopathic medicine at no-naturopaths.org
- Naturofaqs.com
- Naturowatch.org
- Naturopathy vs. Science Series at ScienceBasedMedicine.org
- Chiropractor, Naturopathy Training at PainScience.com